Carly Le Cerf: Sydney Contemporary 2024

  • Artist
    Carly Le Cerf
  • Dates
    5—8 Sep 2024
  • Gallery Location
    Sydney Contemporary 2024

For Sydney Contemporary 2024, West Australian painter Carly Le Cerf casts her highly attuned eye towards the lush and rugged topography of the New South Wales Blue Mountains region. Earlier this year, Le Cerf was awarded the Bilpin International Ground for Creative Initiative residency, an opportunity she has used to produce her art fair-bound body of work.

On view at the fair will be a sweeping panoramic triptych capturing the bush-carpeted Walls Lookout – a dazzling departure from the red-earth western desert regions the artist is well known for exploring.

“In the endless sea of trees visible from the mountain’s edge, I find inspiration in the sublime – where the boundlessness of nature sparks a creative urge to capture even a fragment of its infinite beauty,” says Le Cerf, who will exhibit at Sydney Contemporary for the third time.

Those interested in acquiring works from this upcoming release are strongly encouraged to contact the gallery ahead of the art fair. For enquiries, please email

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